The wind tried to push him faster than he could comfortably walk in the treacherous sand.
He felt the cornerstone of his life turning under his feet like wet, treacherous sand, and fear washed through him.
The river was only a narrow stream, but the wide bed it occupied during the monsoon season was treacherous soft sand, in which cavalry and artillery could become bogged down.
Leading them on, he trudged through the treacherous sand, walking directly into the rampaging wind.
Every few hundred yards, the track disappeared, washed out, nothing but treacherous sand.
To escape the treacherous shifting sands of the present, Charlie Watts has rooted himself firmly in the past.
We couldn't feel the cold spray or the cutting wind, the treacherous sand beneath our feet but turbulent emotions roiled around us.
The soft feel of the treacherous sand as the tines dove in was transferred repugnantly along the pole to her hands.
It was accessed mainly by crossing the treacherous sands of Morecambe Bay.
During the engagement in Chaulieu, the Polychrest runs aground on treacherous sands.