His best shot of the day came on the treacherous 155-yard 12th hole, where a narrow green is closely guarded by Rae's Creek.
The going was easier for the most part, but there were plenty of thorns and treacherous holes covered with leaves.
Yet with 54 treacherous holes remaining, McKay knew not to celebrate.
After a bogey 4 at the treacherous 12th hole, he was still tied for the lead.
Weeds populated most of the ill-maintained byway, hiding the treacherous holes and bumps.
Ten coming back, I think, is one of the most treacherous holes on the golf course.
When the pin is placed at the front of the green, this can be a treacherous little hole.
"I was ahead by three strokes," Rohlf joked about making par on the treacherous hole.
This minor adjustment, which has increased his clubhead speed, was most evident at the treacherous 18th hole.
But he stumbled all around that treacherous three holes.