The Jets and the Giants played on that turf in 1997 despite its treacherous condition.
The treacherous conditions made the search for bodies difficult and dangerous.
Everyone was relieved the race went without any significant incident in such treacherous conditions.
The man was in the mountains, but the treacherous conditions had caused his wagon to slide off the trail and break a wheel.
Yet others who had experience with such treacherous conditions were trying to pilot.
With seven laps to go he was caught out by the treacherous conditions and crashed.
The treacherous conditions for ships around the island led to several shipwrecks.
Don't you know how treacherous conditions can be on the Scottish mountains in the middle of winter?
Numerous roads across the island were shut down due to treacherous conditions.
Sometimes treacherous conditions, energy conservation, reducing pressure on the emergency services and personal stress levels all argue for lowering the limit.