Valentinian ignored Marcellianus' treacherous actions and decided to punish the Quadi.
His small staff was very much occupied with the numerous reports about phantom landings and treacherous civilian actions.
They join the team through a series of events caused by the treacherous actions of James McCullen.
We must demand that Congress act immediately to prevent our involvement in this treacherous and potentially disastrous action.
That was a treacherous action to perform upon those who treated us so kindly.
Today the Tories reward city crooks for their fraudulent parasitic treacherous actions and the public willingly swallow this garbage.
Rightly therefore, Plutarch swears at Alexander for his treacherous action and calls it "a foul blot on the his martial fame".
Bradwen also, regardless of the religion to which he cleaves, eventually seek justice against the treacherous actions of his half-brother which develop during gameplay.
He wanted to continue further, to implicate the Spider Queen and the whole amoral religion that would sanction such destructive and treacherous actions.
His treacherous actions help dictate the course of the plot.