Its population may have been affected by intensive foreign trawl fisheries that operated in the region from 1959 to 1990.
The depth range it occupies is not known to be utilized by commercial trawl fisheries.
The main conservation threat to the plain maskray is incidental capture by commercial bottom trawl fisheries.
Though not valued economically, it is caught incidentally by commercial bottom trawl fisheries.
It is important to commercial deep trawl fisheries.
The curled octopus is taken as bycatch in trawl fisheries for other species.
The mouse catshark is frequently caught incidentally by commercial trawl fisheries operating in deep water off Europe and western Africa.
Some species form a substantial component of the bycatch of commercial trawl fisheries.
Uncertain numbers of gecko catsharks are caught incidentally by commercial trawl fisheries.
Alloteuthis subulata is normally taken as bycatch in trawl fisheries for other species throughout its range.