Some travelers out of Britain probably wish they could say that.
During the summer season, travelers wishing to bring their cars usually have to book reservations months in advance.
When the dollar is likely to increase in value, travelers may wish to consider putting more of their spending on credit cards.
In other cases, the traveler wishes to explore between two points and not have to worry about using time to return to the arrival city.
American travelers to poor countries often wish they could save the desperate children they encounter.
Those travelers wishing to stay longer should leave the country and drive back in rather than attempt to deal with the Transport Ministry.
Business 209 leaves the road at Sciota for travelers wishing to bypass the expressway.
In recent years, the park has become a popular destination for travelers wishing to see mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.
It was impossible to go on till this tremendous shower was over, unless the travelers wished to be stoned.
The town quickly rebuilt as a tourist destination and base for travelers wishing to climb Mount Fuji.