At airports handling United States airlines, travelers are now required to submit their luggage for X-ray.
Also in the novel, the four travelers were required to wear green spectacles before entering the Emerald City, whereas in the movie, they weren't.
Sometimes travelers are also required to declare or register the amount of money they are carrying.
If traveler is required to stay longer, the visa can be extended.
However complex the route, a traveler is required to pay only $12, four fees, on a single trip.
All travelers using motorways and expressways are required to purchase an annual vignette.
All travelers from foreign countries are required to pass through airport checkpoints, as inspectors determine their eligibility to enter.
All travelers carrying expensive merchandise or valuables (cameras, watches, jewelry, fur products) are required to make a declaration.
All travelers will still be required to present photo identification to an agent before boarding.
All travelers to Antarctica are required to have a medical evacuation insurance policy just in case something awful happens out there in the middle of nowhere.