Although campaigning was difficult due to the sheer size of the constituency, some candidates did travel to several countries to talk to expatriates.
The Times's personal technology editor travels to a venue with perfect acoustics to talk about home stereo systems.
This morning I travel alone to the county jail to talk to Acosta.
Brown also traveled to food manufacturing facilities frequently in the first few seasons to talk with experts about the foods being featured.
She traveled to over 39 countries with Anne to talk about her life and experiences.
To do this, she must travel to a far away southern land to talk to the Crystal Prince, who will help her reach home.
She travels frequently to schools and universities to talk about issues of the body, illness, and the creative process.
Except for the lady he was travelling to talk to.
Taliaferro traveled around the country to talk to people who had had similar injuries.
"Usually you have to do a lot of traveling to talk to this many political people," he said.