He then travels to ask his wise old grandfather about the sorceress, and faces many obstacles in the process.
Pamela travels there to ask her mother to coach her.
In 1577, newly widowed, she travelled to Stockholm to ask for economic support, which she received.
Simpson travelled to Japan to ask if Honda could match the offer, which they refused to do.
Fleming traveled to Robinson on May 13 to ask residents to remain calm; his address was well received.
People also travel to these mountains to ask for fertility.
Both times she spent hours traveling into Manhattan to the hospital's business office to ask why she had been billed.
Later that year, the minister traveled to the United States and several western European countries to ask for financial assistance.
Three Texians hurried to bury the cannon, while others traveled to nearby communities to ask for assistance.
The grief-stricken queen travelled to Charles to ask him for advice about her future.