In Portugal he is known especially as a travel journalist and has been writing for nearly decade about chronicles on customs of other peoples across the world.
John has recently completed a screenplay based on his years as synicated travel journalist writing Hotels of the World.
Q. Some travel journalists accept free trips.
Perhaps unusually for a travel journalist, this book highlights places readers should avoid.
Which brings us to a dirty industry secret: Guidebook writers, unlike travel journalists, are allowed to accept free meals and lodging.
In 2007, Parker was a travel journalist on the Discovery Channel program 5 Takes.
Maxa's career as a travel journalist started in 1990 when he began contributing biweekly travel commentary to the public radio business show Marketplace.
I'm a travel journalist and I'm writing an article on the best places around the world to do windsurf.
Recent exposure to pradal serey in the western world have come from travel journalists and tourists.
Alison Rice is a British travel journalist and campaigner for sustainable tourism.