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Of course, the route could only be traveled in the warm months, but Indians never traveled in the snow if it could be avoided.
Nonetheless, just before the ceremony tonight, aides to the Governor said that he would be traveling to five other states, including Iowa, in the next several months.
Im looking to travel around China, Thailand, Tibet, etc. in the upcoming months.
I have traveled more than 250,000 miles in the last 10 months.
Normally teams travel in the months of January, February, and March mainly due to lower temperatures.
Anyone planning to travel in India in the next few months should reconfirm all airline plans or be prepared to change itineraries.
Doing those preliminary tasks, he traveled 3,000 miles by sled in the next eight months.
That is the distance we have travelled in the last six months.
Airlines and hotels are trying to gauge how and where families will travel in the next few months.
Not many nats traveled to J-town in the last several months.