Should he be given free reign here, or are Westerners the only group civilized enough to pack justice in their suitcase with their travel alarm and toothbrush?
My travel alarm glows in the dark.
When packing, you can leave your travel alarm at home - most hotels now have digital clocks - but grab your sneakers and bathing suit.
Recently I developed a serious case of packer's block that could not be remedied by calling a friend or shouting "travel alarm!"
She had to get up and hunt for a travel alarm.
Ms. Traficante also testified that a small electronic travel alarm with wires attached to its small circuit board was found in a kitchen closet.
The small travel alarm was set to go off at seven o'clock Thursday morning.
The travel alarm awoke me at half-past midnight.
Truth had set her travel alarm for midnight, just in case she felt asleep.
She pulled the travel alarm out of her pocket and glanced at it.