But if you don't know what the traumatic episode was.
This is a traumatic episode for the governess.
The great truth he revealed was this: The disfigurement and pain is a daily reminder of the traumatic episode.
Despite an already traumatic episode resulting in the loss of their creative force and most prominent member, the Mac's troubles were far from over.
The origins of Donaldson's institutionalization began in 1943, at age 43, when he suffered a traumatic episode.
The mountain is named after him, the man who spearheaded one of Serbia's most traumatic and heroic episodes in history.
Such postures are often a pointer to some deeply suppressed emotion or past traumatic episode.
Ghosts from Italy's most traumatic episode of political terrorism have suddenly emerged to torment the national soul once again.
Whatever traumatic episode I've forgotten, I didn't forget it without assistance.
The event was a traumatic episode for the Florentine upper classes.