It attempts to show the trauma associated with a shift in identity as one changes their life.
These observations may suggest that the level of trauma associated with a victim is related to such independent coping abilities.
Many health professionals and aid workers have reported widespread psychological trauma associated with the tsunami.
Her legs must be amputated and she suffers from trauma associated with the attack.
The damage award covered back pay and wages that the employee is expected to lose because of the emotional trauma associated with the discrimination.
Less appreciated on this side of the Atlantic is the political trauma associated with France's last attempt to march to a different economic drummer.
There was no real trauma inherently associated with shifting one's attention back to the concerns of everyday living, getting back to the job.
Repeated head trauma (for example, the trauma associated with boxing).
Opponents cite the severe risks of physical and psychological trauma associated with incorrect or abusive use.
Individuals report experiences of the trauma associated with intervention.