Some neighbors had complained about beer bottles and other trash being strewn in the streets.
Another was cited for housing children in group homes with shattered windows, broken light fixtures and trash strewn about.
The Ogaylis are living 10 people to a room in a tiny, dirt-floor house on a street with open sewage in the gutter, trash strewn everywhere and the cows they make their living off wandering through the yard.
There is something about the whirr of the engine, the trash strewn on the floor mats, the smell of old coffee that makes good listeners of both of us.
There are no IV lines set up, no bits of medical trash strewn around the area, no open doc boxes; they didn't even try.
You don't yell at the dog after finding trash strewn around, she said, nor do you yell at him as he begins to sniff the can.
The robes of her women were in a scandalous state from trash strewn along bridges and galleries.
Surrounded by tidal flats and dense vegetation, the sprawling one-story building was an occasional refuge for drug smugglers and young lovers, who had left their trash strewn about.
Blade cursed and struck out again, feeling the strength flow out of him, seeing the wet trash strewn concrete of the area-way floor come up to meet him as his knees buckled and he went off the high board into deep, deep darkness.
I looked at the trash strewn about the square.