Firemen and a passer-by dragged him to the bank after cutting his trapped legs free from the canoe.
She lay back on the sand, the knee of the trapped leg sticking up in the air.
He fell to his knees in the snow and feverishly explored Telemark's trapped leg with his hands.
McCoy coughed, spat out water and blood, and ducked under, reaching toward the trapped leg.
He wormed himself into a slightly different position, but the smallness of the space and the immobility of his trapped leg prevented him from doing much.
He shifted his position a bit, and cleared away the snow down to the dirt next to his trapped leg.
Then suddenly there was a crumbling feeling of the sand around her trapped legs and she came free.
He was able to slide his trapped leg along the edge of the two crammed seats until he reached the open door.
They even considered, at Brown's request, amputating his trapped leg.
He took a deep breath and jerked his trapped leg upward, as hard as he could.