It was a very difficult year for CJ during the winter of 1894/95, as he got trapped deep into the Forty Mile Creek area and had only beans to eat for two months.
The maneuver was a very difficult one, for though Jupiter V's own gravity was negligible, the satellite was trapped deep in Jupiter's enormous gravitational field.
What if everything down there suddenly began to melt and all the stored heat that's been trapped deep below ground suddenly comes bursting out?
John was trapped deep in a subterranean tomb.
In other regions, tiny pockets of water may be trapped in veins deep in the crust, sealed under high pressure for thousands of years.
The breath seemed to have become trapped deep in its lungs by the shock of the attack.
The police said they were having extreme difficulty excavating bodies from two cars trapped in a subway tunnel deep below ground between King's Cross and Russell Square in central London.
But Mariko believed much of it was still there, that water and other volatiles were trapped deep within the Earth: perhaps four hundred kilometers down, deep in the mantle.
He is rediscovered on the eve of a large calamity and must return the remnants of his nations military from being trapped deep behind enemy lines.
My hand was trapped deep in Raddle's oleaginous organ, which felt endless.