Rescue the Guinea pigs trapped in the bubbles before the water runs out.
They were trapped by the other mother at different times before Coraline, and reside in the dark space behind the mirror.
Callisto was already exhausted, and, trapped before the sea, there was nowhere for her to run.
The small, frantic man was trapped behind larger fans, all standing shoulder to shoulder before a beaming piece of rock history.
She was trapped for approximately 26 hours before her rescue.
So Johnny had trapped him into this display, at this time, and before such skeptics.
Beneath the lamps the terraces glared as though trapped in the stasis before a storm.
Even so, the entity would have been trapped fully fifty million years before your time.
He was already thinking-hoping-that he might see a tree with a bow trapped in it before too long.
He was trapped in the car for 45 minutes before rescue.