Trailing behind the corps was Neal Borden, 72, who volunteers as the group's transportation coordinator.
His mother retired as a secretary to the transportation coordinator of the Nashua public schools.
The museum is hiring a transportation coordinator.
"We had other things to talk about in Iraq," said Haeder Mouhammed, the transportation coordinator for the center's Islamic school.
Her father, Tommy Tancharoen, is a transportation coordinator for Hollywood movies.
Additionally, while many companies had appointed a transportation coordinator, "it's likely that responsibility is going to diminish somewhat," Ms. Hethrington said.
We gave out awards to 11 transportation coordinators a few months ago, which in itself says something.
A few years ago you wouldn't have found 11 transportation coordinators in the county," Ms. Hethrington said.
My transportation coordinator will inform you of when you may expect me.
The company's transportation coordinators then planned routes and scheduled pickup times.