The man seated beside her looked out the window of the transport shuttle, at the flat, endless desert stretching all around them, beautiful in the early morning light.
They found the shattered remains of her personal transport shuttle, but it was cracked open and there was no sign of her.
Lon's platoons were bused to the landing strip on base and loaded on two transport shuttles.
The luggage and trade goods had already gone up to the ship, carried by transport shuttles.
It was so much more fun than traveling on a transport shuttle.
I collected Ninc, my stalwart and stupid pony, and his gear and loaded them on a transport shuttle.
The small transport shuttle with an attached warp pod was only one hundred meters distant, and it was still unguarded.
"A transport shuttle," he said at last.
"This pitiful transport shuttle doesn't have a weapons system."
Embarkation of human marines on a transport shuttle.