Rayachoti is one of the major heavy transport provider by lorrys (6 & 8 wheelars) in the state.
The service was repositioned from a transport provider to a transport and package vacation company.
Ticket machines that are out of service or accept 'exact change only' result in losses for transport providers.
For example, if your business is a transport provider, you could consider using service design to offer services other than those typically provided by your competitors.
The railways played a major part in the development of Riverton, both as a transport provider and as an employer.
We politicians must develop a system that leads to a breakthrough in the principle of cost transparency for transport providers.
Fair competition between transport providers is only possible if external costs are also included in taxes.
I also believe that the financial burden associated with this proposal would be prohibitive for many transport providers.
I think that we have struck a fair balance between the rights of consumers and the needs of transport providers.
This will increase safety and promote fair competition among transport providers.