Discovery agents which are not a substrate for efflux pump or modifications of drugs in toward lower affinity to transporting proteins.
It is capable of transporting both DNA and proteins.
Most of the thyroid hormone circulating in the blood is bound to transport proteins.
This is completely different from other oxygen transporting proteins.
Hydrolysis of GTP by Ran is thought to provide the energy needed to transport nuclear proteins into the cell.
Beta barrels also function within endosymbiont derived organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts to transport proteins.
The methylmercuric-cysteinyl complex is recognized by amino acid transporting proteins in the body as methionine, another essential amino acid.
By helping to stabilize partially unfolded proteins, HSPs aid in transporting proteins across membranes within the cell.
The twin-arginine translocation pathway is an important pathway involved in virulence, which transports proteins through the cell membrane of the bacteria.
Vesicles are used to transport lipids, proteins and many other molecules within the cell as well as into or out of the cell.