State correctional practices for juvenile detention centers forbid shackling except for transporting inmates or in extreme situations.
Skinner also describes the procedure for transporting inmates from the Polunsky unit to the execution, which occurs 40 miles away at the Huntsville Unit.
He said that such devices are used only to transport dangerous inmates.
To transport inmates to and from the prisons the city spent $2 million a year for charter flights.
They also transport inmates to and from court, prison and other counties.
A category B prisoner, he was with two prison officers on a private minibus like this one - a normal method of transporting inmates between jails.
Division of Corrections- is responsible for housing and transporting inmates within the Charles County court system.
Corrections Officers may be tasked with Transporting inmates between facilities, hospitals, courts and funerals.
Under a policy it adopted last year, the Missouri Department of Corrections will not transport inmates for abortions that it deems not medically necessary.
A courthouse was built on the prison grounds to reduce the risk of escape attempts while transporting inmates to judicial hearings.