Independent producers have no way to transport gas because Gazprom controls the country's pipeline system.
In order to make it practical and commercially viable to transport natural gas from one country to another, its volume has to be greatly reduced.
It is used in transporting gas or materials and in ventilation system for buildings.
Rogers conceived the idea of long pipelines for transporting oil and natural gas.
A pipeline would be created to transport natural gas and oil from Siberia.
It is paying 22 cents a gallon to transport gas into Iraq from Turkey.
The architects bought a 35-foot-long aluminum tank built to transport oil, gas or water.
By the end of 1928, five wells had been drilled in the field and the first pipeline was transporting gas to local markets.
Several expansion projects have been proposed to transport gas further to northeast.
Because of the high cost of transporting natural gas, many known but remote fields were not being developed.