The first trains operated on 16 October 1941, transporting Jews from central Germany to ghettos in the east.
His defence was based on the argument that he had only been following orders and was only responsible for transporting Jews.
They were also used to transport Jews and homosexuals into concentration camps.
In 1941 they transported Jews into Warsaw ghetto.
A bus transporting Jews to a death camp will not reach its destination.
Among the objects is one of the actual railway trucks used to transport Jews to Treblinka.
As one goes into the memorial, railroad ties recall the trains which transported Jews to concentration camps.
The rail car that appears in the movie is original rolling stock, actually used to transport Jews to the concentration camps.
This resulted in a series of pogroms beginning, and the Germans began transporting Jews out of the city.
For instance, when he was put in charge of the trolley that transported Jews to the gas chambers, he protested.