Constantine rose to his feet, gripping the iron banister behind the transparent shield.
Zinc bromide solutions can be used as a transparent shield against radiation.
There came the sound of the balcony's transparent shield sliding open, the rasping of the litter on the rail, then silence.
The woman below him lies within a semicylindrical transparent shield, while her mouth is sealed, devices implying that she bears a secret.
Two white-clad technicians sat toward the front of the cargo space, separated from the drivers by a transparent shield.
Power Princess carries a transparent circular shield made of an undisclosed substance which is extremely durable.
With the booth's transparent shield in place, the murmur of voices from outside was cut to dead silence.
And Mira, Glory's cat, lay protectively over the transparent shield that covered her.
A transparent shield seemed to slide down behind Father Boquilva's eyes.
For a moment they stood in consultation; then, each carrying a long transparent shield, they advanced into the notch.