The blood flask, which had a rubber gasket sealer, was filled with a transparent fluid.
It is manufactured and shipped as either a colorless, transparent fluid or a white crystal powder.
So Koch grew anthrax bacteria in the aqueous humor - the transparent fluid - from an ox's eye.
He drew off the transparent fluid with a fine precision.
The normal CSF is clear and transparent fluid.
At 1300 Fahrenheit it melted suddenly into the thin, transparent fluid from which it started.
As he spoke, he threw into the vessel a few white crystals, and then added some drops of a transparent fluid.
Only one of the remaining exhibits aroused his interest, a large brain in a container of transparent fluid.
One moment it appeared to be mercury floating in the glass, the next a clear transparent fluid in which a rainbow floated.
An autopsy revealed a hardened liver, thirty-five gallstones, and around seven pints of transparent fluid in his abdomen.