In the 1960s, transoceanic cables were coaxial cables that transmitted frequency-multiplexed voiceband signals.
Probably the greatest scientific panjandrum of the 19th century, Thomson had a long association with transoceanic cables.
Nevertheless, some 730 'cables' had been transmitted over the line and so Field and his colleagues had proved that a transoceanic cable was not only feasible, but could also take a great deal of traffic.
In addition to being a primary communications vehicle, they also restore (replace temporarily) communications services when transoceanic cables break.
Whenever a transoceanic cable goes out, that traffic is transferred to a satellite.
Although revenues from its core satellite business have grown steadily in recent years, the company faces growing competition from transoceanic fiber-optic cables and from new satellite companies offering international communications.
Two characters who've just stopped kissing are connected by "a thread of spittle . . . as if they were continents linked by a single transoceanic cable.
Telephone companies behave as though it still is expensive, and it is when you make traditional voice calls across transoceanic fiber-optic cables or satellite networks.
The Bay area reopened after the war and became even more visitor friendly after blasting in the reef for a transoceanic cable provided room for swimming.
When the industry's titans ran short of capacity on their own systems or on crowded transoceanic cables, they hammered out deals with one another by swapping space on their networks.