International Green Party - A large transnational social and political movement with considerable visibility, influence and power.
They demonstrated how rapidly a transnational social movement could shake the symbiotic structures of power that had long held Europe in a cold-war embrace.
It gradually expanded from a local to a national organisation, and finally to a transnational movement, and it now has followers in over 150 countries.
Due to this new form of globalization, the transnational women's movement has been brought to the forefront of transnational social movement.
UN system had been proved extremely valuable and effective in supporting and empowering transnational environmental movement.
Fundamentalism is a transnational movement that is appealing to believers of all nations and races across national boundaries.
More recently, Voss has explored the factors which cause the rise of transnational social movements.
Teivainen's research focuses on global political economy, human rights, transnational social movements, global democracy and the contradictions of capitalism.
Not all these ideas were his, but it was Aflaq who succeeded in turning these believes into a transnational movement.
She specializes in international relations and transnational social movements.