In the 1890s, Morse code began to be used extensively for early radio communication, before it was possible to transmit voice.
When that day comes users will be able to transmit computer data, voice and perhaps even video images at the same time on the same line.
Ought not to need all that apparatus to transmit voice in airlessness.
He could transmit voice, but that would increase the possibility of being detected by enemy surveillance radio telemetry.
The technologies used to transmit voice and data are similar, he said.
They couldn't transmit voice (audio) but only short coded text messages of a few letters.
Again, la Cour made no claims of transmitting voice, only pure tones.
Cellphones send out a constant signal, which transmits voice or other data.
The first radio systems could not transmit voice.
It is used in telephone networks which can transmit voice and data up to 16 Mbit/s.