In the field the lieutenant uses the hand-held device to transmit digital photos and his exact position back to headquarters by satellite.
Even more curious, there is Bluetooth (for the carphone) but it won't transmit photos to your computer.
In the mid-1930s a technology battle began for less expensive portable wirephoto equipment that could transmit photos over standard phone lines.
They transmitted photos and microscopic sections online to Bangor.
Cellphones can transmit both voice and photos, but millions of people prefer to fire off short, painstakingly typed text messages.
Meanwhile, Takagishi's drone was transmitting narrow-angle photos of the area just under the tunnel.
People can now transmit photos and video taken with hand-helds or cellphones directly to the host sites.
People who had just been in an auto accident could transmit instant photos directly to their insurance companies.
Construction site managers might transmit instant photos of projects for approval.
Besides transmitting photos, Surveyor 2 was planned to perform a 'bounce', to photograph underneath its own landing site.