Under the Constitution, the government controls almost all the power plants, the transmission wires and the market.
"Some of this land has transmission wires going across it," she said.
It has a good case study: California's antiquated transmission wires contributed to electricity shortages there last spring.
Station engineers spent much of their time repairing the old transmission wires, only to have them go out again before too long.
Ordinary transmission wires found in residential neighborhoods may carry high currents if they are thick enough and close to power substations.
The new study shows the incidence of childhood cancer to be highest in homes closest to transmission wires designed to carry extremely high currents.
But some Democratic leaders want the state to take over almost all of Lilco, including its transmission wires and power plants.
Each message modifies, the atomic structure of the transmission wires nominally.
No one wants to live near high-voltage transmission wires, and few major lines have been put up anywhere in the last decade.
At one point, four million feet of transmission wire were embedded in conduits on the building's fourth floor.