The transmission also reveals one of the three main ports being used to deposit soldiers into the country is nearby Cobbler's Bay, the only exit from which is the Heron Bridge, which the group then makes plans to destroy.
Conven- tional bombers used radar to navigate and locate their targets, but the transmission of a radar beam from a stealth bomber would reveal its location, thereby negating all the expensive technology used to hide it- -- Admiral Henry settled onto a park bench with his back to the Tidal Basin.
Conventional bombers used radar to navigate and locate their targets, but the transmission of a radar beam from a stealth bomber would reveal its location, thereby negating all the expensive technology used to hide it.
The transmissions from Chief Palmer and others reveal a startling achievement: firefighters in the south tower actually reached a floor struck by the second hijacked airplane.
The final transmissions reveal as nothing else the full scale of the events of Sept. 11 - something that carries beyond the panoramic camera shots of the burning towers and delves at least some distance into the measureless depths of the heart.
For the first eight months of your mission, your transmissions revealed the Borg were an elusive prey--a shadow, a ghost, a whisper echoing in the emptiness between the stars.
The foolish transmission even revealed to them the exact coordinates that made up the boundaries of each of the Three Kingdoms.
Any such transmission would merely reveal to Ishihara that he was chasing them and give Ishihara some fix on the.
A second transmission reveals Luke's subsequent capture and that no rescue attempt is to be made.