There is a large electrical substation next to the town that is a part of a major North-South transmission corridor.
Also, unlike large photovoltaic installations, new transmission corridors - perhaps across environmentally sensitive land - would not be required to bring power to consumers in urban areas.
Some environmentalists argue that this vast area of boreal forest should not be crossed by a transmission corridor.
The transmission lines would be strung from metal poles up to 80 feet high along an existing 23-kilovolt transmission corridor that goes from downtown Riverheadto Jamesport.
"If you think power plants are hard to build, transmission corridors are even harder," said Katherine Potter, a spokeswoman for the Calpine Corporation.
Another important transmission corridor WAPA built was Path 66, paralleling Path 15.
For the final section approaching Penrose, the route is adjacent to existing overhead transmission lines in a designated transmission corridor.
Many windfarms approved and in the pipeline - most on hold as transmission corridors not yet in place.
Often this is accomplished with a sign warning of the high voltage; other times the entire access point to the transmission corridor is marked with a sign.
Another LADW&P line joins the four-line transmission corridor, resulting in a large path of five power lines.