In the Labyrinth Two rippling, translucent shapes appeared among the statuary.
Directly in front of them, a translucent blue shape floated two feet in the air.
A rope twirler is surrounded by a fluttering translucent shape that suggests a big jellyfish.
She could see the weirdest egg, translucent, white and pale blue, dark shape at the centre.
Something moved up to him, a translucent brownish shape, like muddy water.
Brett opened his mouth to call-and went rigid, as a translucent shape of mud shot from a door, rose up to tower before him.
The looming, translucent shape of my house soon fell away from me.
A translucent human shape formed before me.
The shell is turbinate in shape, thin, translucent and shining.
The area behind the desk is decorated by a clear resin panel embedded with translucent, round shapes.