Hands flying, Plennafrey warded herself and Keff in a translucent globe of energy.
Take that sea urchin composition, arranged like a sand sculpture in a translucent globe.
She was going to be too late after all, Chybee thought despairingly as she plodded after them under the canopy of translucent globes.
Along the Boardwalk, in the pale sentimental twilight, the translucent electric globes shone like a long string of pearls.
The translucent globe turned until the large continent in the northern hemisphere was facing Keff and Plennafrey.
And another piece of furniture, surprising in any living room; a thing like an old-fashioned electric chair, with a bright metal helmet and a big translucent globe mounted above it.
On it stood a big translucent globe, brilliantly lit from within.
A translucent green globe as big as a watermelon hid in the shadow of the largest leaf.
A fascination with classic popular design, whether in a large translucent globe, a cycling shirt, a copy of Mr Busy or a Rhodia notebook.
Row upon row of steel niches ran along the opposite wall, stretching the entire length of the futuristic catacomb, each niche holding a single translucent globe.