Beyond the kitchen windows and the translucent curtains was a slow pulse of candlelight.
As they moved behind and around filmy translucent curtains, the dancers could have been exploring some imaginary realm.
The pavilion was divided within by a dense but faintly translucent curtain of royal blue.
A translucent curtain fell during another scene and dancers moved behind it like strange creatures underwater.
In the air above the plinth there hung a translucent curtain of silver.
I huddled against the rock beside my fire, peering anxiously through the translucent curtains of falling water.
The surface of the sea was a rippling, sparkling, endless translucent curtain.
He had hardly settled himself there before the mist rolled aside like a translucent curtain and the morning sun burst through.
I study it for a second, small dark form, size of a cat, dark shadows through the translucent curtain.
Kiri was inside the closed translucent curtains now, the veil loosed.