He is considered one of the most intense figures in modern translation theory, often with positions that substantially differ from those of mainstream theorists.
Chinese translation theory was born out of contact with vassal states during the Zhou Dynasty.
The earliest bit of translation theory may be the phrase "names should follow their bearers, while things should follow China."
The purpose of the college is to educate students with translation theory and techniques.
Nida has been a pioneer in the fields of translation theory and linguistics.
A study of Nida's translation theory.
Research at the Department focuses on linguistics, literary theory, translation theory and cultural theory.
My final observation on Alter's review concerns his complaint that I have ignored a great body of recent literature on translation theory.
If he thinks that my purpose was just to write a textbook on translation theory, he is mistaken.
Translation criticism is an interdisciplinary academic field closely related to literary criticism and translation theory.