This large sample size translates into better quality and yields a stronger, more profound statistical analysis of the data acquired.
Peter looked annoyed at her outburst, but Grace translated it, of course, and suddenly tears flowed down Malu's face.
The Spanish name del Sol translates to of the sun, and refers to the car's opening roof.
Complete with an Auld escort to translate and protect of course!
Higher bond rates translate, of course, into increased production costs - making producers think harder about staying independent.
Guthrie and his wife translated Janet's Principles of Psychology together.
But then the three copies of this vertex form a translate of T.
Spanish was, after all, what he was translating in and out of all day.
This is a link to Google translate of the Swedish article referred to by Dez1.
He translated various medical oriented responsa of Feinstein into English.