Ten years later, the transition has resulted in a vibrant and inclusive school community that values the contributions of both the elementary and secondary students.
The transition from conventional farming to greenhouses have resulted in fewer "field" crops and a greater amount of the "hothouse" variety.
This transition permitted better use of computer graphics, revolutionized game programming and resulted in a more realistic gaming experience.
However, the transition between the old guard and the new resulted in arguments over how to handle the film.
The economic transition resulted in a dramatic rise in unemployment and numerous strikes.
Typically these transitions and boycotts resulted from policy or administrative changes which proved to be unpopular with members at the various established marketplace sites.
Consequently, resulted behaviour will transition smoother, especially in the case of transitions between two tasks.
Observations have been made of the processes leading to slug production at much lower Reynolds numbers, but transition does not then result.
Remember that a vertical transition can result in more vertical transitions before reaching a sequence of production states and finally returning to the top level.
The "transition from art to life" resulted in the founding of the Friedrichshof commune as a kind of anti-society.