The transitions may involve too many changes at one time, and you need to build in some more intermediate steps.
But the transition required to reduce global human consumption to within sustainable limits involves much larger changes, at all levels and contexts of society.
But the real transition involves the readjustment to the dangers of life in the south Bronx.
I have predicted that the transition from time into space will involve biologic alteration.
It would, however, be naïve to believe that the transition did not involve increased costs for consumers.
The transition does involve certain costs, for example in connection with new equipment.
The transition from declarations to details generally involves reports similar to the one we are debating today, however.
Actually, the transition involves a little more effort than just finishing the final report cards.
The transition from a former military installation to a commercial park involved many changes to the street layout and buildings.
For that transition involves a kind of Fall.