"Reckless," perhaps better than any recent film, reveals the alchemy that transforms words on the page into compelling visual images.
Handled properly, the theater can utterly transform its materials - time, space, objects, as well as words and politics - the more so during immersion over an unusual length of time.
Copy Cat also comes with OCR software, which enables your computer to transform scanned words into editable text.
To transform written words into pictures, to translate them succinctly and make them tangible, were his greatest hopes and aspirations.
The discussion illuminated some of the mysterious process that transforms words on paper into theater.
Proust transformed words.
It locates these forms by analyzing morphological structure and the principles used to transform words based on part of speech.
The encoder transforms words into fuzzy sets (FSs) and leads to a codebook - words with their associated FS models.
Now is the time to transform words into actions.
It deliberately transforms or creates words that resemble words from other languages, particularly English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, French, and German.