Then the technology economy transformed the city so quickly that many people began to believe the good times would never end.
Their primary objective has been to transform the city as a whole.
He transformed the city into a great and important metropolis in his years as local politician.
The process started in the mid-19th century and by the early 20th century had entirely transformed the city.
And it transformed the city into a thriving inland port.
She is an opponent of casino developments and supports transforming the city into a green economy.
Will a desire for "defensible space" radically transform the city as Americans know it?
But, more than this, I remember the new and kinder ways people treated each other, transforming the city into a warm, inclusive space.
Urban and economic regeneration schemes, initiated in the late 1980s, have since transformed the city.
The so-called "Bilbao effect" refers to how the museum transformed the city.