In a second cellular programming trick, scientists transformed mature cells in live mice from one specialized type to another.
In vitro, oncogenes cooperate to transform cells and render them tumorigenic.
Oncogenic ras can transform most immortal cells to a tumorigenic state.
The lung cancer process transforms healthy cells into cancer cells, which can also metastasize to different parts of the body.
It could also transform single cells into cancer-like growths by taking over the cell's genetic machinery.
A selectable marker is carried by the vector to allow the selection of positively transformed cells.
Transgenesis is the same as gene therapy in the way that they both transform cells for a specific purpose.
Additionally, experiments have demonstrated important and significant differences in the ability to transform cells, compared with cells of murine origin.
Viruses act along with other factors to transform cells.
Some adenoviruses under specialized conditions can transform cells using their early gene products.