By transferring legal title to a third party, there was no need to pay feudal dues on the death of the father.
In Congress, many of these bills would require explicit consent from customers before their financial information could be transferred to a third party.
When a court judgment is obtained, the housing agency has eight months in which to transfer title to itself or to a third party.
We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third party.
No personal information collected is sold or otherwise transferred to a third party.
I can transfer the thoughts of somebody else to a third party or onto a record.
Leaseholders can transfer their lease to a third party.
The accused agrees to transfer shares to the victim but before doing so he transfers them to a third party.
The author may transfer his or her proprietary rights to a third party.
Such countries would not have the political will or ability to safeguard attempts at devices being transferred to a third party.