Transferred to a jail in Colorado to stand trial for a murder there, he would escape in 1977 and committed three more murders.
In the spring of the following year, he was transferred to a jail in Białystok, and on May 24, 1939, he was released.
In 1996, he was transferred to a jail in Charlotte, N.C., to face Federal narcotics charges.
Mr. Shumaker and 10 others were identified as ringleaders and transferred to a smaller nearby jail they called Alcatraz.
Saddam Hussein wants to be transferred to a Swedish jail to await his trial.
Unable to pay, he was transferred to a jail in Concord, Massachusetts.
But the police said he had been transferred to a jail and offered to arrange for an interview this morning.
Mosaddegh was arrested at the Officers' Club and transferred to a military jail shortly after.
Later on, Gwiazda was transferred to a jail in Warsaw's district of Białołęka.
Subsequently, Lazarenko was transferred to a jail in San Francisco, since his family owned a ranch in California.