In general, transcriptional control of the p27 Kip1gene is believed to play a minor role in regulating p27 Kip1expression.
These findings represent important sequence information relevant to studies being done on both transcriptional and post-transcriptional control of p27 Kip1levels.
This information should be useful in designing experiments to analyze both transcriptional and translation control of p27 Kip1expression.
This is accomplished primarily through two different methods, feedback inhibition and transcriptional control.
Carbon flow into the shikimate pathway in plants is regulated by transcriptional control.
Silent mutations may also affect splicing, or transcriptional control.
It is localised in the cell nucleus and has an important function in chromatin-dependent transcriptional control.
The use of alternative promoters leading to multiple transcription start sites, as reported here, suggests an additional type of transcriptional control.
To understand these processes better, we need to start with the basics of transcriptional control.
A predictive model for transcriptional control of physiology in a free living cell.