The environmental stress response represents a paradigm for multifactorial control of transcription regulation.
The function of DNA binding is either structural or involving transcription regulation, with the two roles sometimes overlapping.
In vertebrates, the trimeric CAK complex is responsible for transcription regulation.
The phosphorylated form of this protein forms a complex with SMAD4, which is important for its function in the transcription regulation.
Integrated with promoter-sequence analysis and consideration of chromatin structure, the study of gene vectors is useful in studies of transcription regulation.
Necdin is used to stimulate growth regulation,and DNA-dependent transcription regulation.
Additional transcription regulation comes from transcription factors that can affect the stability of the holoenzyme structure at initiation.
Examples of histone modifications in transcription regulation include:
In the context of transcription regulation, a trans-acting element is usually a DNA sequence that contains a gene.
Calreticulin is also found in the nucleus, suggesting that it may have a role in transcription regulation.