The Maharishi says that transcendental consciousness can be experienced through Transcendental Meditation, and that those who meditate diligently could become aware of cosmic consciousness.
In France, phenomenology was seen as a radical Cartesianism which rejected substance dualism to better understand transcendental consciousness.
According to Cohen, those who took LSD "were not guilty of using illegal substances...We were celebrating transcendental consciousness, the beauty of the universe, the beauty of being."
We were celebrating transcendental consciousness.
Śiva tattva is the transcendental consciousness, the canvas on which the whole creation is projected.
This hunger for the experience of flashes of transcendental consciousness through and not despite the onrushing advance of science and technology has always been central to what made those people who read science fiction read science fiction.
He observes that we confuse the undifferentiated consciousness typical of primitive peoples, young children and psychotics, with the transcendental unitive consciousness of the mystic or saint.
Research has found that specific physiological measures correlate with the experience of transcendental consciousness, including lower respiratory rates, greater heart rate variability, higher amplitude alpha brain waves, and greater alpha coherence.
In addition, a state Maharishi Mahesh Yogi called "cosmic consciousness", may be characterized by the experience of transcendental consciousness outside of meditation and that is present even during sleep.
Indeed, Matza's appreciation of the deviant sometimes extended, in other writers, to endowing the deviant with an embryonic revolutionary or even transcendental consciousness.