Abandoning the quest for transcendent truths, she focuses instead on decoding the wide array of Baker's performances - both on and off stage.
Mathematical proof is the gateway to a realm of transcendent truth.
Instead, he believed that there must be a center, a transcendent truth on which people could focus and structure their lives.
All of us as individuals stand under the judgment of God or the transcendent truths by which we hope finally to be judged.
You may one day capture an image of such transcendent truth and beauty that you're willing to override a subject's wishes.
An example of a transcendent truth is "God is good," or "there is no God."
Either way, how you look at things contained by time and space are a result of the transcendent truth.
World views are made up of transcendent truths, things we believe are true before we question whether or not anything else is true.
Its aim is absolute freedom that can be described as living realization, a dynamic enlightenment where transcendent truth lives personally in the world.
But more compelling still is the tension Mr. Gass has created between literary art for its own sake and transcendent psychological truth.